Genel Bakış
Sonic the Hedgehog'a dayanan bilgisayar animasyon serisi. Eggman ile patlayıcı bir savaş evreni paramparça ettiğinde Sonic, arkadaşlarıyla yeniden bağlantı kurmak ve dünyayı kurtarmak için paralel boyutlar arasında yarışır.
2The Yoke's on You0dk
A power outage gives two rebels a chance to break into a lab where the Chaos Council is studying Sonic's strange connection to their energy source.
3Escape from New Yoke0dk
To secure the Prism Shard, the rebels battle the Chaos Council. Then Sonic makes a startling discovery about the events that shattered his world.
4Unwelcome to the Jungle0dk
In a dimension called the Boscage Maze, Sonic runs into tree-dwelling versions of his friends who warn him of a monster that lives on the jungle floor.
5Barking Up the Wrong Tree0dk
To find his way back to the right dimension, Sonic must battle the jungle monster who waged war on his friends and capture the powerful Prism Shard.
6Situation: Grim0dk
Back in New Yoke, Sonic desperately tries to convince Nine to join the Resistance, but Nine is focused on building a brand-new home.
7It Takes One to No Place0dk
In the tropical No Place, Sonic meets a friendly band of pirates and their mysterious captain, who loves to party.
8There's No ARRGH in "Team"0dk
As Sonic's crew races to the Prism Shard, they quickly realize they're not the only ones after it. There's only one way to win — they gotta go fast!
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